Room 1 2016

Room 1 2016
Room 1 is an awesome bunch of kids from Tamaki Primary in Panmure, Auckland.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


This week we have been learning lots about why we celebrate ANZAC day.

We have practised a poem about wearing the Poppy to remember the brave soldiers who fought in the war.

We have read books about the Dawn parades that people go to remember soldiers and we have made a wreath for our own school ANZAC ceremony.

Today we made ANZAC cookies and read a book about a girl who bakes her Dad some ANZAC cookies and sends them to him while he is at the war.

They were soo yummy!! 


Anonymous said...

hi my name is pranav that looks like a lot of fun and they look delicous to i wish i was there.

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is advarn and thats looks tasty keep it up

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Rico that looks tasty keep up the good work.

Reon said...

Hi Room 1. Those ANZAC biscuits sure look yummy. Keep it up.

Calvin said...

Hello Room 1 those ANZAC cookies look really yummy to eat. I would really love to try some if I was in your class room. Big effort and keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Hi Levi here from your buddy class,
The ANZAC biscuits look so yummy. I hope you enjoyed eating you yummy ANZAC biscuits.

Anonymous said...

will they really look yummy :).